My newest peice that I am currently creating. She will be a Harpy balancing on a copper sphere. Here is a photo of her beginning stage. I so love this Paperclay. I worked in ceramics years ago in figurative sculpture selling my work in galleries and at shows around New Mexico. Clay is a wonderful medium and it's messy. The dust and then the firing and never knowing if your piece might warp or even explode from unseen air bubbles could be a real drag. With so many moves of late, one across country and the other from a mold ridden house to a new mountain home I have been looking for something that wouldn't be as messy, less temperamental and less likely to burn up or even crack when being fired as in Polyclay. With Paperclay it dries harder then Polyclay, is lighter in weight and much stronger. Truly a wondrous product. I am so very excited--can you tell :) Well off again to work on my Harpy girl. SOLD.